Manually Forcing macOS Connection to Target AP by Channel Locking
This is a short post about how to direct the internal NIC on a MacBook to connect to a particular AP BSSID through setting the target channel.
Symlinking the airport utility
First things first. Let’s make it easy to find the hidden but included airport utility by creating a symbolic link to a directory on the PATH environment variable.
Symlink the airport utility to /usr/sbin
sudo ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/sbin/airport
airport channel locking procedure
Set target channel with the airport utility
sudo airport --channel=120
Confirm with-
airport -I
Fingers crossed the Wi-Fi NIC connects to the target channel. I’ve tested with some success on macOS Ventura 13.2.1 on an Intel-based MacBook Pro. Let me know if it works or doesn’t.